Monday, May 9, 2011

TrueBeauty4life On YouTube .... ????

I have always wanted to show how I actually do my makeup especially my eyeshadows. So all of my friends said I should put some videos up on youtube since I do my makeup really good. I never wanted to do it because I've seen some comments that some people have put up and I must say some of them are not nice. and I thought " I'm not ready to deal with that just yet." So my friend told me about her blog and she was saying that you can start your own blog on anything so she inspired me to start my own blog on makeup and hair . I figured it would be a good idea also since I'm transitioning from relaxed hair to all natural and I could share my experience. However when I uploaded a video it had to be 5 or 6 minutes long for the video to actually post. That wasn't working for me cause it takes some time to actually do your makeup, so I sucked it up and opened a youtube account. I uploaded a few videos but I have no comments yet..... which I'm fine with (LOL) . So if you guys want to check out my videos, its .....truebeauty4life on youtube. Tell me what you guys think, but remember I'm not a Professional makeup artist. This is just me being creative and showing you what I can do on a everyday basis. So whether your extravagent or just simply simple keep in mind you are beautiful inside and out !!

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