Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Another Two Strand Twist Style

Well since I'm in love with two strand twists now during my transition, I decided to jazz it up just a tad. It took me 2 hours to put the twists in my hair the nite before and as you can see, I decided to curl the twists in the front. I put the rest of the twists in a high pony tail then formed it into a bun. I used the flexi rods to curl the front twists.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


This month is actually one year , since I stopped relaxing my hair and I feel well accomplished however , I'm still Transitioning I have not done any big chop as yet. I have my big chop planned for next October 2012. I can't stress how excited I am. Even tho I'm super excited , A two year Transition is not easy, I get so fed up looking at my hair and seeing the two textures . And I think "O goodness I have one more year to go !!" But I believe It will be worth it . So Stayed tuned !!

Review on Organics Lock and Twist Gel

Just a quick review on the Organics Root Stimulator , Lock and Twist Gel.