There are so many different brands of eye shadows out there for purchase. And every one is always talking about MAC and I would definitely love to purchase a Mac Palette one day . But for now Its not on my budget. Don't get me wrong I would love to use Mac but the budget I'm on , its not possible right now. I work to pay bills and rent and I got a major student loan that is kicking my butt right now. However There are alot of different brands of eye shadows that I do wear, for instance: Loreal hip duos, Wet+Wild, NYC, Cover Girl , Elf , Milani, Black Radiance and I also wear eye shadows from my local beauty supply store. If the colors are cute , why not get them for $2.00 or $3.00 . I can make the cheapest eye shadows pop on my eyes. So if you believe that you have to wear expensive eye-shadows to make your eyes pop, you are mistaken. Drug store makeup is just as good as Mac and Sephora and it is affordable. So let me be the first to say I love my drug store Makeup!!
Also the pic is not one of my own , I googled the pic cause I was too lazy to take a pic of my own but you get the idea .